Monday, August 2, 2010

Wes' One Month Birthday

Wes' one month birthday was a busy and great day. We spent the morning with Nana and Papa Steve at the yacht club for a little swimming (for Trey and Jimmy) and lunch. The morning was made even better by a visit from Chris, Erika and Belle who came to see Mr. Wes for the first time. Jimmy, Chris, Trey and Belle had a great time playing in the pool while Erika and I sat under the fans and chatted.

Such a big boy - one whole month old.
Fanning Wes and trying to keep him cool in the miserable Florida heat

Swimming with Daddy

Trey had no fear and was jumping off the edge in about a minute even though he has no idea how to swim he sure wanted to and thought he could

Trey was in no time moving from the edge to the diving board

Jumping to Chris

Trey used his charm to convince one of the ladies at the pool to let him borrow her float

After lunch at the yacht club with Nana and Papa Steve we headed back to Tampa for dinner with the Elberon crew. Here are all of the kids and Todd entertaining Wes.

Hyde Park with the Wagner Family

Our old neighbors, Ken, Chris and Taylor were in town for a very quick visit and although our time with them was too short, it was great to see them but of course made us realize how much we miss them.

Since time was so short, we also got to see several other friends all at one time. Here is Chris and Taylor with Shannon, Scott and Avery (who has gotten so big since the last time we saw her).

Just like all the kids, it is amazing how big Taylor has gotten.

I am supposed to drink this water right?

Brad enjoying a soggy pretzel.

Mr. Trey being a cheese ball :o)

Ava and Brad - adorable as always.

Wes - Week 4

With week four came more awake moments and Wes starting to really realize all of the chaos in the Ellis house around him :o) It seems like Wes has doubled in size and he is really getting some neck strength and he is constantly attempting to lift up his head to check out everything around him.

Our boys - so adorable!!

A gator in training :o)

At the beginning of the fourth week, Wes' umbilical cord fell off and so we were able to have our first bath in the baby bath tub. He was really not sure what to think of it the first time but now he loves his baths.

What are you doing to me Mom?

Ok I am really thinking I do not like this...

Well now that it is over - perhaps it was not too bad

Another peaceful moment.

Wes' Photo Shoot

On Wes' two week birthday we had his first photo shoot courtesy of Sweet Serendipity Photography. We had a blast with Jaime and all of the pictures she got of Wes are adorable. Here are just a few and I have no idea how we are going to pick between all of them:

Big Brother Trey - No Longer the Baby

Trey has truly become the big brother in the house and there is no baby left, he is all little boy and every day he appears to have gotten just a little bit bigger. His vocabulary is amazing and we are constantly amazed with the things that come out of his mouth. He is so sweet with Wes and insists on giving him a kiss whenever he is leaving the room that Wes is in. His current favorite is Scooby Doo and he loves to play with his Mystery Machine and Scooby Doo action figures. He is constantly asking us to watch Trey's show which equals Scooby Doo.
Hanging with Ava

Enjoying some animal crackers

As Trey grows taller he keeps thinning out and so pants that once fit his waist now fall down - here is Trey coloring (one of his favorite activities) while losing his pants.

Hanging with Maia

Trey's first black eye but he wore it well

Trey loves to hide behind the shower curtain every night and Mommy and Daddy spend several minutes trying to find him

Trey loves bath time and especially loves playing with his water cups

Hanging with his buddy, Roscoe

Yet again, hanging with the girls :o)

Wes - Weeks Two and Three

It is something that parents say all of the time but it is true, time is truly flying by and weeks two and three passed by without me even realizing it to some extent. Wes is an incredibly good baby and we could simply stare at him for hours. As with most babies, most of weeks 2 and 3 were spent sleeping and hence there are many pictures of a sleeping baby.

Wes loves to sleep with his hands up in the air and it is so cute to watch as when he gets startled, his hands will wave in the air.

A rare moment when we got an awake picture - it is hard to tell from the picture but Wes has the most beautiful blue eyes at this point.

Big Brother and Little Brother

Hanging with friends

Wes loves his swing and Trey loves to give Wes his taggie blanket as a cover

Wes' monkey blanket is the one thing that is guaranteed to sooth him - he grabs on to it with one arm and tries so hard to get it in his mouth to chew on.

Asleep again :o)

Mommy's New Man