Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our BabyMoon and Eighth Anniversary

After the work shower Jimmy and I headed to Sanibel for the weekend to celebrate our eight year wedding anniversary and our last weekend away before the arrival of Trey (our BabyMoon). We stayed at the Sanibel Harbour Resort and Spa and it was a great weekend but way to short - we did not want to come back to reality.

We spent Saturday morning at the spa getting a couples massage
(a sports massage for Jimmy and a maternity massage for me)

Jimmy looking relaxed after his massage

We had lunch at the famous Bubble Room

After driving around the island and doing some shopping, we stopped at the beach so Jimmy could do some fishing and I could soak in the sun. After that we went back to the hotel where I laid by the pool and Jimmy took a nap.

We had dinner at The Timbers - a local seafood restaurant.

The Resort

We look too young to have been married eight years right :o)

The view from our balcony - I am already planning our return trip.


Unknown said...

Looks like a great trip!

I found this site useful, maybe you will too.

Jenna said...

Ugh, I am SO jealous- I absolutely LOVE Sanibel. Of course, having grown up 20 minutes from the island meant I never actually vacationed there... just day trips. Something we need to do!!

You look great.... you're almost there, I can't believe it!!

kafredrick said...

Glad you all got away:) I bet the massage was heavenly!
I did send you all your anniversary card but oops not until the actual day of your anniversary.
Love ya