Wesley Stephen Ellis arrived on July 1, 2010 at 1:28 p.m. It was an interesting experience this time around given that it was a scheduled C-section but the moment that we saw our Wesley for the first time was worth it all!! He is perfect weighing in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces and 21.5 inches long. He is such a content baby and we are counting our blessings.

Last Belly Shot before Wesley arrives

Getting all checked out

Meeting Mom for the first time - he is beautiful!!

Meeting Papa Steve

Look at that sweet face!! Just like Trey, Wes has such a great complexion!

Big Brother Trey checking out his little brother

Such a sweet moment!!

Three Generations of Ellis men

Meeting Uncle Rory - this time around we were so happy that Rory, Kim and Dylan could be there to meet Wes upon arrival!!

Trey and Dylan finding entertainment in the hospital room

With Aunt Kim

We were able to convince the doctors to let us out of the hospital a day early and headed home on Saturday, July 3rd. Wes in his going home outfit - our little monkey!!

All bundled up and ready to go

Mom is very ready to go home!!

Going for a ride!

Welcome Home Wesley!!

Trey, Dylan and Nana waiting for us to arrive!!

Such a sweetie pie!!

Big Brother Trey taking good care of his little brother - he is so concerned whenever Baby Wesley cries - it is so sweet!!

New Arrival!

Celebrating the Fourth of July!! Not easy to get a picture with these three!!


4 days old and our first bath!! Compared to Trey's first bath this one went pretty smoothly.

All warm and snuggly after our bath
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