Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Two Month Birthday Wesley

I say it all the time but I cannot believe how quickly time flies and my little baby boy is now two months old. He has such a sweet personality and is a cuddler. He has always been curious but is really starting to take in all of his surroundings. He has started smiling and talking to us all of the time. He is also starting to grab at his toys and loves to read books with me. Two month stats were: 13 pounds, 11 ounces and 25.5 inches long, head size 16.5 inches. For his two month birthday, I put Wes back in the outfit he came home from the hospital in. You can't tell from the pictures but the onesie underneath the overalls did not even come close to buttoning and the overalls barely did. Amazing the changes two months can make as the outfit was huge on him when we brought him home.

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