This week was a busy week for us. On Monday we went to the International Mall with Tammy and Claire. On Tuesday we spent the day moving everything out of Mom and Dad's bedroom as for some crazy reason Mom decided now would be a good time to get the room painted. On Wednesday we went to the Ellenton outlet mall with Nana as we had to get Trey out of the house due to the paint fumes. On Friday we went to Nana and Papa Steve's again because Dad was in a golf tournament over the weekend so Mom and Trey spent the night with Nana and Papa Steve who are leaving for Guatemala so we wanted to make sure they got some quality Trey time. On Sunday we went to a BBQ at the neighbors and all of the Elberon Street babies got to hang out together (Trey is six weeks old, Brad is eight weeks old and Taylor is two weeks old).
The biggest news is that Trey is starting to coo and also to almost smile - they are both the most adorable things ever and Mom's heart bursts every time she hears one of those coos or sees one of those smiles. I am going to try and get a picture of the smile.