Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week Six in the Life of Trey

This week was a busy week for us. On Monday we went to the International Mall with Tammy and Claire. On Tuesday we spent the day moving everything out of Mom and Dad's bedroom as for some crazy reason Mom decided now would be a good time to get the room painted. On Wednesday we went to the Ellenton outlet mall with Nana as we had to get Trey out of the house due to the paint fumes. On Friday we went to Nana and Papa Steve's again because Dad was in a golf tournament over the weekend so Mom and Trey spent the night with Nana and Papa Steve who are leaving for Guatemala so we wanted to make sure they got some quality Trey time. On Sunday we went to a BBQ at the neighbors and all of the Elberon Street babies got to hang out together (Trey is six weeks old, Brad is eight weeks old and Taylor is two weeks old).
The biggest news is that Trey is starting to coo and also to almost smile - they are both the most adorable things ever and Mom's heart bursts every time she hears one of those coos or sees one of those smiles. I am going to try and get a picture of the smile.
Getting ready to go to the outlet mall - Dad loves this fish outfit.

Wearing our nautical outfit from Mom and Dad Uliano - we went to eat dinner at the yacht club and figured this was the perfect outfit.

Hanging out at Nana and Papa Steve's

This is Trey on his six week birthday - check out those socks!! I cannot believe that he is six weeks old already - time is flying!!

Week Five in the Life of Trey

Trey continues to grow and I swear that each day he weighs another pound - Mom's arm muscles are getting pretty big. Each day his face gets even more lovable and those cheeks get pinched and kissed all the time.
Trey in his bouncy seat - he is not sure whether or not he likes it.

This is Trey's first real bath since his umbilical cord finally fell off - he did not like the first one as you can see from the picture but the second went a whole lot better.

This is Trey's favorite bib as it is from his Uncle Rory - we cannot wait for Trey to meet him. Mom has learned that Trey needs a bib every time he is in his car seat otherwise his outfit gets spit up all over it by the time the car ride is over.

This is Trey's rock star onesie that his second cousins Logan and Justin gave to him - love it!!

Another sleeping picture just because they are too adorable!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

One Month Doctor's Visit

Well we had our one month doctor's visit yesterday and we officially have a big baby boy. Trey's stats are:

Weight: 12 pounds, 4 ounces (off the percentile charts)
Height: 23 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 15 3/4 inches (95th percentile)

At this rate he will be taller than his Mom at age 5. The doctor said that Trey is doing great and is a very healthy boy for which Mom and Dad are very thankful.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Trey the Model

We had professional photos taken of Trey when he was first born and the photos are now available for viewing. If you want to check them out go to www.stacylarsenphotography.com and go to the client proofing page. Our password is ellisnb. We also had pictures of my pregnancy belly taken as well and that password is ellis. Stacy did an amazing job and we are going to have a hard time choosing :o)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy One Month Birthday Trey!

Every Mom I know has told me that time flies and I cannot believe how true that statement is as yesterday my little man turned one month old. It seems like just yesterday that I was holding him in the hospital for the first time. It is amazing how much he has grown and changed since that first day but he is still my adorable, good-natured little one.

What outfit would I wear on such an important day other than my gator onesie?

For my one month birthday Mom, Tammy and little Claire took me shopping at the Brandon mall and then we met up with Dad and Scott for dinner at the new Mexican restaurant. Mom is determined to turn me in to a shopper - good luck!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week Four in the Life of Trey

We cannot believe that it has been four weeks to the day since our little baby boy was born. The time is going too quickly and with each day our little boy gets bigger. This week we have been interacting a lot more with Mom and Dad and are starting to focus on our toys. Trey and I have been reading the Chronicles of Narnia and he seems to enjoy the story.

Kevin and Katie came to visit us this week

Happy Fourth of July!! Today we were thinking of our Uncle Rory and how proud we are that he is serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Trey cannot wait to meet him!!

Today also marked the day that our umbilical cord stump finally fell off and we have such a cute belly button!!

Another sleeping picture at exactly four weeks

Welcome to the World Taylor

Congratulations to our neighbors, Ken and Chris Wagner!! They welcomed their daughter, Taylor Ann Wagner on July 3, 2008 at 5:49 p.m. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. Trey is so excited to have a new playmate next door!!

Week Three in the Life of Trey

Trey keeps getting bigger by the day and I cannot believe how fast time flies. With each day Trey gets more active and starts making more and more faces and noises.
Here we are in our Number 1 Gator Fan outfit that John, Ashleigh and Elle gave to us. Go Gators!!

This is our favorite sleeping position.

I just cannot take enough pictures of him sleeping as he is just too cute!!

Visiting with our Aunt Wendy (well sort of)

Last Saturday we took our first trip out of the house and went to lunch at Cheesecake Factory and to the International Mall with our "Aunt" Megan O. Mom was happy to get out of the house and Mr. Trey was a very good sport (perhaps he will be a shopper like his Dad).