Sunday, July 6, 2008

Week Four in the Life of Trey

We cannot believe that it has been four weeks to the day since our little baby boy was born. The time is going too quickly and with each day our little boy gets bigger. This week we have been interacting a lot more with Mom and Dad and are starting to focus on our toys. Trey and I have been reading the Chronicles of Narnia and he seems to enjoy the story.

Kevin and Katie came to visit us this week

Happy Fourth of July!! Today we were thinking of our Uncle Rory and how proud we are that he is serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Trey cannot wait to meet him!!

Today also marked the day that our umbilical cord stump finally fell off and we have such a cute belly button!!

Another sleeping picture at exactly four weeks


Courtney&Chris said...

I can't believe he's 4 weeks already!!! Can't wait to see him again soon. Good for you getting out and about, entertaining so many visitors, keeping up with the blog, and knowing what day it is! Wow. What month is it again?

kafredrick said...

Too precious!!
I can't wait to meet your sweetie pie - your new sweetie that is:)
Enjoy this time I remember 4 weeks - kind of - now I am TOO quickly approaching one year

Megan said...

Holy cow! He's growing like a weed! He's is so dang cute!

Rory said...

Thanks for the shout out for the 4th. Thankfully I will be meeting little Trey in the near future with my plans to now be at Dylan's One Year Party!! I cannot wait to see you guys!