Monday, November 3, 2008

I Still Love Joey!

So last night I went back in time fifteen years and relived my youth at the New Kids on the Block concert. We had a great time and by the end of the night I was losing my voice and could not hear a thing. It was amazing how loud a bunch of thirty year old women could scream. It was also amazing how many bras and underwear ended up on the stage although as the boys pointed out the bras were a lot bigger than they were fifteen years ago :o)

The Block.....

Was definitely back :o)

NKOTB arrived on stage in grand fashion

With Gina and Amanda - yes those are huge Joey buttons and he looks better today than he did fifteen years ago.

For part of the concert the boys sang in the middle of the forum which was basically directly in front of our section in the stands so we had a close-up view.

Even at forty those boys had some serious moves

Still Hanging Tough :o)

Part Two of Week Twenty-One in the Life of Trey

We ended the week on a high note as we watched the Gators beat up on the Georgia Bulldogs and then we had a visit with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Wendy. For the first time Trey got upset with all the yelling while watching the game but perhaps it was because since we creamed them so bad we were yelling every few minutes - GO GATORS!!!

With Victoria, Bill and Sauce (finally a dog Trey's size who he was very interested in)

Too cute!!!

In my final Halloween outfit that Grandma and Grandpa bought for me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well I have been slack but I finally caught up so you will have to go all the way down through week 18 in order to get all the updates. My favorite picture is at the end of the week 18 post so that will give you some incentive :o)

Part One of Week Twenty-One in the Life of Trey

Although Week Twenty-One is not quite over, I wanted to get these posts up as there are so many cute ones from Halloween :o) Halloween was so much more fun this year with Trey to celebrate with. The big event for Trey this week however was that he discovered his feet and he is just amazed by them (I am trying to get a picture but every time the camera comes up he puts his feet down and smiles at me).

Just a cute picture of Trey hanging with his Dad - do those two look alike or what?

We had several holiday outfits so we had to start wearing them early in the week. Thank you Nana and Papa Steve for this one - it was a big hit at school.

Yet another one (apparently we like spiders).

We started Halloween off with a party at Trey's school. Mom and Dad both took the day off work so that we could chaperone and be a part of the festivities. The teachers made costumes for the class and they were all dalmations and it was the most adorable thing. Here is dalamation Trey.

Dalmation Trey with is friend Dalmation Avery.

In order for the babies to participate in the costume parade, they were loaded up in the fire cribs (these are the cribs that are made to roll outside in the event of an emergency) and dog houses were born :o)

I have no idea who this kid is but I just thought his dracula costume was too cute not to mention the facial expression.

The whole class. The teacher in orange in the middle is Trey's teacher Ms. Tina. The teacher on the right is Trey's secondary teacher Ms. Dalia.

All dressed up for Halloween - there were so many cute Halloween costumes out there but I saw this monkey and just fell in love with it. It is perfect for our little monkey. Then I saw the banana treat bag and of course we had to have that also (with our name on it).

I have heard many a story of babies hating their costume but not my little man - he loved it!

The family all ready for our neighborhood Halloween block party. Mom dressed up as a Mummy :o)

Trey's first pumpkin which Grandma and Grandpa bought him from the pumpkin patch - of course a pirate

The Elberon babies - Pirate Brad (six months old), Gator Cheerleader Taylor (four months old) and Monkey Trey (five months old). We are so lucky to have so many babies on the street so close in age as our kids have playmates right next door.

Pirate Ava - she was so adorable and loved handing out candy to the kids.

Hey Mom - where did all the candy go?

After a long day, we were defintely ready for bed. Thank you "Aunt" Amanda for the adorable PJs.

Trey's School

I have been meaning to get photos up for awhile and since we just went to Trey's school Halloween party I finally have the pictures to post :o) Although it was a hard decision and I had thought we would go with a nanny for Trey when I went back to work, I just never found anyone that I was comfortable with. So after talking to alot of people and watching Trey and how much he likes being around other kids and watching the world around him, we decided school was the best decision.
The school Trey attends is right downtown and so I can be there in a minute by car if needed. Trey has three wonderful teachers, Ms. Tina, Ms. Dalia, and Ms. Erika. Ms. Tina is his primary teacher and Ms. Dalia is what I like to call the closer as she is the last teacher there at night. She and Trey get some quality one-on-one time as Trey is usually one of the last kids to be picked up as I leave at 5:30 but most parents leave at 5:00.

The outside of the school

The door to Trey's classroom. This is one of my favorite things as the door constantly changes but there is always a theme with each of the kids names on the door.

Here is the classroom play area.

Here is Trey's crib at school - yes that is a Gator mobile and I was super excited when I found an orange sheet :o)

Trey loves the bouncer at school and smiles whenever he is in it.
We need to get one for the house :o)

Week Twenty in the Life of Trey

I guess this was just a busy week for us in that I did not take as many pictures this week which usually means we are just constantly on the go and there were no major moments (as cuteness is an every minute occurrence so I cannot take pictures of every minute :o))

Trey and Taylor - how adorable is this. Jimmy was in San Francisco for a conference so we went to visit Taylor and her Mom and Gradmom next door. Trey kept putting his hand on Taylor and at times they even held hands. Hey, he knows a beautiful girl when he sees one.

Check out yet another awesome outfit!!


I got tagged (thanks Megan) so here goes....

8 fave TV shows

Ok this is a hard one for me as I am somewhat of a TV junkie (although now I have a lot less time to watch :o))....

Friday Night Lights (this one is number 1 hands down)
Brothers and Sisters
Amazing Race
Greys Anatomy
One Tree Hill

8 fave restaurants

Square One Burgers
Cappy's Pizza
Bamboo Club
Wrights Deli
PF Changs

8 things I did yesterday

Chaperoned Trey's school Halloween party
Picked up my dress for Tara's wedding from the tailor
Decorated funfetti cupcakes
Cleaned the house
Went to our neighborhood Halloween party
Missed my Mom
Fell in love with my husband all over again (this happens every day)
Kissed my little money - Mr. Trey

8 things I look forward to

Watching Florida beat Georgia
Playing with Trey and watching him grow
Going to the NKOTB concert (yes I am reliving my youth with my girlfriends)
My parents getting back from Guatemala
Rory, Kim and Dylan moving back to Florida (for good)
My next girls night
A full nights sleep
Tara's wedding

8 things on my wish list

A cure for PLS
A cure for Autism

Rory, Kim and Dylan living close so the boys can grow up together
A live-in maid and cook
A closet devoted totally to my purse obsession
A sister for Trey
More hours in a day and less sleep needed
Jimmy to come up with the million dollar idea so I never have to work again

Peope I am tagging

Kim, Courtney, Nicki, Jenna, and Cara