Saturday, November 1, 2008


I got tagged (thanks Megan) so here goes....

8 fave TV shows

Ok this is a hard one for me as I am somewhat of a TV junkie (although now I have a lot less time to watch :o))....

Friday Night Lights (this one is number 1 hands down)
Brothers and Sisters
Amazing Race
Greys Anatomy
One Tree Hill

8 fave restaurants

Square One Burgers
Cappy's Pizza
Bamboo Club
Wrights Deli
PF Changs

8 things I did yesterday

Chaperoned Trey's school Halloween party
Picked up my dress for Tara's wedding from the tailor
Decorated funfetti cupcakes
Cleaned the house
Went to our neighborhood Halloween party
Missed my Mom
Fell in love with my husband all over again (this happens every day)
Kissed my little money - Mr. Trey

8 things I look forward to

Watching Florida beat Georgia
Playing with Trey and watching him grow
Going to the NKOTB concert (yes I am reliving my youth with my girlfriends)
My parents getting back from Guatemala
Rory, Kim and Dylan moving back to Florida (for good)
My next girls night
A full nights sleep
Tara's wedding

8 things on my wish list

A cure for PLS
A cure for Autism

Rory, Kim and Dylan living close so the boys can grow up together
A live-in maid and cook
A closet devoted totally to my purse obsession
A sister for Trey
More hours in a day and less sleep needed
Jimmy to come up with the million dollar idea so I never have to work again

Peope I am tagging

Kim, Courtney, Nicki, Jenna, and Cara

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