Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trey's First Christmas

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Christmas - Jimmy lovingly calls me the Christmas Nazi - but I have to say that the joy of Christmas reached a whole new level this year with Trey to share it with. It was so much fun to decorate his room, shop for him, watch him open presents, etc. It was a whirlwind couple of weeks but somehow it all managed to get done and I think that Trey enjoyed his first Christmas and I know that Jimmy and I did.

Trey's Christmas Tree - a pirate theme of course!

One of Trey's many Christmas outfits - this reindeer one was courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa and Trey looked like such a big boy in it.

Trey's first Christmas present - Megan O and Amanda came over for a movie night and we had our annual Christmas get together - Trey loved the shiny bow and was more interested in it than in what was inside the package

One of our many Christmas celebrations was with our neighbors - here is a picture of the Elberon babies, Brad, Taylor and Trey - it was so cute as they all had on their striped Christmas PJs and were just checking each other out.

Look Mommy, isn't Taylor pretty?

Trey's first Christmas morning - Look Mom and Dad, Santa came!!

Man this tissue paper tastes good

I really like my stacking cups and check out my slippers - oh and did you notice that I am doing a pretty good job of sitting up all by myself.

For Christmas breakfast Trey got to try bananas for the first time and they were a big hit.

Trey's big boy Christmas outfit - how cool do I look?

Look everyone, I got How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Christmas Dinner with Nana, Papa Steve, Aunt Wendy, Grandma and Grandpa

With Grandpa

The day after Christmas we traveled to North Tampa to have Christmas with Great Aunt Paula, Great Uncle Ryan, and Cousins Justin and Logan - here is Trey and Daddy - as Paula pointed out there will come a time when Trey will not let his Mom dress him in a sweater vest :o)

Logan was nice enough to share his Rays cowbell with Trey and Trey thought it was awesome!!

Hanging with Nana and Papa Steve - a great end to a wonderful Christmas week!!

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