Nana and Papa Steve have a time share and so when they got an e-mail offering a week in Orlando for $200 we could not pass it up. So on a whim, Nana and I packed up the kids and headed to Orlando for the week. Papa Steve and Jimmy joined us for Saturday and Sunday. We spent most of the week in the pool but were able to fit in a few days out in Orlando.
Playing at the pool with Daddy and Papa Steve

Wesley spent most of his time at the pool sleeping under a net as the love bugs were out in full force but he was just happy to be outside.

Trey made Jimmy get his work out every day running around the pool. The week made us realize that Trey really needs swimming lessons as he loves the water.

Watching the Gator game

Big Bro and Little Bro in their matching monkey
Trey loves taking pictures with Wesley.

Wesley is getting too big for the
boppy pillow that he used to fit on no problem.

One afternoon we headed out to take the boys to Downtown Disney. Trey was overwhelmed by all of the things to look at and all of the people but once he warmed up he had a great time riding with Nana on her scooter and checking it all out.

Playing on the playground at the Lego store

Trey the Pirate of course had to get some pirate Mickey ears, a telescope and a sword. He had so much fun walking around with them and he was the hit if Downtown Disney.

Riding the train all by himself - it is amazing what a little man he has become - so independent. His favorite words these days are "I can do it myself Mommy."

One of Trey's favorite things to do is to take pictures with our camera - this is Trey's point of view as we were sitting down to eat at the
Rainforest Cafe.

Outside the
Rainforest Cafe - Wes was asleep in the stroller so we did not want to disturb him.

Trey and Nana played with his mateys in the big tub every night and the laughs coming from the bathroom were contagious.

Ready for bedtime again

On our last day in Orlando Eric, Allison and Owen came to meet us as Jimmy and Eric were flying out of town on business the next day. We decided to take the kids to the Green Meadows Farm. For anyone with kids I highly recommend an outing to this farm. It was absolutely amazing how much they let the kids do. Above is Owen petting a goat.

Feeding the goats

Holding a duck

Riding on the hayride

Trey trying to catch a Turkey but man those birds were fast

Riding on a pony ride

Petting a chicken

Showing Owen his chicken

Riding on a train

Milking a cow - we were amazed that he did it

Petting a guinea pig

Holding a baby duck - it was so adorable to watch him as Trey was so careful with the baby

Holding a baby chicken - what a great way to end the day at the farm.
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