This week was a big week for us as we officially turned two months old on Friday. To celebrate our two month birthday we got to go to the doctor for our check up and first immunization shots. Trey and I were both crying during his shots (I absolutely hate needles and seeing my little boy in pain) but we both survived. Trey received a rave review from the doctor for being a very healthy and happy boy. Trey is still on his way to being the next Tim Tebow with the following stats:
Weight: 13 pounds, 14 ounces (95th percentile)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (95th percentile)
Head: 16 1/4 inches (95th percentile)
This week was also a big week for us in terms of development milestones (see pictures below).
Too cute!! Can't wait to see him in all his glorious cuteness again in person! :)
Oh my goodness... You're really going to have to start working on autographs not sitting up-- he REALLY is the next Tebow!! Big, cute, strong,totally lovable, and from a great family... Yep definitely a Tebow. Hope to see you soon!
So I was reading Trey's stats to Brad, marveling at how big he is and Brad asked me to remind him how old Trey is- so I told him these were his 4 month stats. He was all, "He's 4 months already??!" And then I had to double check and about fell over when I realized I had aged him by 2 months and he is 4 months younger than Landon.... and just a pound smaller and 3/4" shorter!!
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