This week was a big week for us. The biggest event was that we started cereal. At our four month appointment, the doctor told us that given Trey's size and the fact that he was showing interest in us eating big people food, that he was ready to start with rice cereal. I was not sure how it would go but as you will see from the pictures below, he loved it!! In addition to that, we went to the zoo, a birthday party and a pumpkin patch :o)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Week Nineteen in the Life of Trey
Week Eighteen in the Life of Trey
This week Trey turned four months old. At our four month doctors visit official stats were:
Weight: 17 pounds, 13 ounces
Height: 26.5 inches
I lost the bet as I thought he was only about 16 pounds but Jimmy said 18 and he was pretty close. I just thought there was no way our four month old baby had doubled his birth weight. He definetely takes after his Dad :o)
We had to wear this outfit because it was only going to fit one time (like most of Treys outfits since he is already in 9 month clothes).
I had better watch my pots as Trey is already interested in them. Trey loves to just sit in the kitchen and watch me cook and clean (hopefully he will love helping me when he gets older also)
Trey loves his jogging stroller - now that the weather is getting nice we go walking whenever we can. For anyone in the market for a jogging stroller I highly recommend the Bob, I love mine!!
Well Trey is not to happy in this picture as Mom kept him out to late. Jimmy went golfing for the weekend with a friend in Fort Myers so Mom and Trey were on their own. We went to visit Cara and Wade and see their new place in Sarasota - it was awesome to see them and we are so glad that they live closer now!
Since Nana and Papa Steve were leaving for GUatemala in a week we went to pay them a visit - as you can see Trey was loving Nana and Papa Steve's guest bed and was passed out. I am in love with this picture!!
Weight: 17 pounds, 13 ounces
Height: 26.5 inches
I lost the bet as I thought he was only about 16 pounds but Jimmy said 18 and he was pretty close. I just thought there was no way our four month old baby had doubled his birth weight. He definetely takes after his Dad :o)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Week Seventeen in the Life of Trey
This week was Trey's first plane trip. Our friends Mike and Kristi were getting married at Dartmouth college and since our family lives in New Hampshire we decided to combine a trip to visit the family with the wedding.
This is just a picture of yet another adorable outfit.
Trey is really starting to smile for the camera.
Trey on his first plane flight. He did awesome!! He slept for the first part of the trip and then just hung out with Mom and Dad and played with his toys.
Trey with the Fredrick clan. We had a great time hanging out with everyone and enjoying the fall foliage.
Trey was so happy to get to meet his Great Grammie. He fell in love with Great Grammie instantly and her with him.
Four Generations - Mother and Son and Mother and Son
Jimmy and I's first night out without Trey was to go to the wedding. Trey was in the capable hands of the entire Fredrick family for babysitters.
Jimmy and Mike, the handsome and happy groom
On Sunday we left New Hampshire and headed to Massachusetts to visit with the Ferris family. They had a huge lobster feast for us and we drank plenty of wine and laughed all night long. Here is Jimmy teaching Trey how to eat lobster.
Trey with Mimi and Holly - Holly is expecting a little one in March and so we gave her some practice with Mr. Trey :o)
Here is Mom's little monkey
Nana got Trey this jacket for his trip to the North - it was so adorable!!
Here we are on our plane flight home - again Trey got an A+ and did not complain once about having to sit in the same place for three hours. It was a great long weekend but we were all happy to come home and sleep in our own beds as well.
Trey is really starting to smile for the camera.
Week Sixteen in the Life of Trey
This was my first week back at work and Trey's first week of school. To make it more complicated, Jimmy was gone most of the week at a conference for work so Trey and I had to get through the week on our own. Mom shed quite a few tears but she made it through the week. Trey took a little while to adjust to school but by the end of the week he was having a great time and flirting with all of the girls in his class.
Week Fifteen in the Life of Trey
For some reason it seems that I am spending more time hanging with my little man and less time taking pictures. This week was my last week at home with my little man and so I savored every minute of it.
Trey threw Megan O a surprise 30th birthday party.
Here is the birthday girl with Ellen, Elise and Marilyn.
This week was a week for parties and Trey hosted a party for the Florida vs. Tennessee game. Look at the proud dads with Trey and Finley.
Miss Claire with her Mom Tammy and Amanda - I cannot believe how big she is getting and that Trey will be that big before I know it.
Jeff, Ellen and Megan C - we forgave Jeff for wearing that other schools shirt
Miss Finley expressing her Gator spirit :o)
Look at the proud Mom's and look at how big Mr. Trey is. Finley is six months old and Trey outweighs her by at least a pound. Taylor is a month younger than Trey but she is gaining on him.
Check out that shirt - Hold on Gators....Treybow is coming!!
In preparation for my going back to work, we went in to the office on Sunday to get things ready. Here is Trey in Mom's office chair.
Here is the birthday girl with Ellen, Elise and Marilyn.
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