Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Day that Changed it All

I will never forget September 27, 2007, as that is the day that I took a pregnancy test and saw the positive sign staring back at me. I could not believe my eyes as we had been disappointed by those tests so many times in the past. Initially when we started trying I had all these grand plans about how I would tell Jimmy the news but all of that went out the window and I just ran downstairs and shoved the test in front of his face. It was pure torture waiting three days for the doctor to confirm the results from a blood test. Luckily, Ellen took me to Gainesville for the weekend to distract me and we went to the Florida/Auburn game. The phone call confirming the results was the best news I have ever gotten. The baby growing inside me is truly a miracle and Jimmy and I are so blessed to have such great friends and family whose support and prayers kept us believing that this day would come for us!

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