On Tuesday of last week, Trey met one of our high school friends, Jen Page (now Foster) and her husband Chris - Jen and Chris have three girls and I am thinking after meeting Trey, perhaps Jen will convince Chris they need to try for a fourth :o)
I just cannot take enough pictures of Trey sleeping as he looks so adorable.
Thanks to Nana who took care of me so that I could take care of Trey after my C-section - we would have been lost without her.
Trey loves sitting up with the assistance of Mom and Dad so that he can check out everything around him. His adorable gator outfit came from the Ferris'.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Week Two in the Life of Trey
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day Eight in the Life of Trey - June 15, 2008
Day Seven in the Life of Trey - June 14, 2008
Day Six in the Life of Trey - June 13, 2008
Look at that face - How are Mom and Dad ever going to say no to me?
Getting ready for my doctors visit
At the doctors - as you can see I did not like that. In fact I loved it so much that I peed all over the nurse who was checking my stats. Good thing she had a good sense of humor and was able to laugh about it.
Weight - 8 pounds, 11 ounces (75th percentile)
Height - 21.5 inches (95th percentile)
Sleeping with Daddy - I was wiped out after my doctors visit
Wearing my Daddy's First Mate Outfit
Hanging with Mom (Dad was playing with the black and white settings on the camera)
Day Five in the Life of Trey - June 12, 2008
Day Four in the Life of Trey - June 11, 2008
Day Three in the Life of Trey - June 10, 2008
Chris, Erika and Isabelle drove all the way from Bradenton to see Trey and we were so happy to be able to see them and to introduce the future friends as we are sure Isabelle will show Trey the ropes in a few short months
Day Two in the Life of Trey - June 9, 2008
Trey also had a lot of visitors on Monday, Ellen, Amanda, Megan O, Nana and Papa Steve, and Grandma and Aunt Wendy.
Day One in the Life of Trey - June 8, 2008
Mom and Dad's Little Sweet Pea -
I scratched my face all up because my nails are so long.
The Last of the Baby Belly
Monday, June 9, 2008
Our First Family Picture
Mom And Baby
My First Picture
This was the first picture of Trey. Right after they removed him from Megan's baby belly they paused by the bed to let us see him and take a quick pick before they checked the essential vitals.
The doctors we're pretty funny as they made a couple comments while getting him out.
The first was "look at those chubby cheeks"...
The second was "Hey Bubba" which they continued to call him until he was prepped and ready to go.
Then they weighed him...
Official Fighting Weight: 8lbs 13 and 3/4ths ounces.
Official Length: 21 and 1/2 inches long.
Then the comment came out... "No wonder he wouldn't go out the other way" :)
And The Answer Is: "The Jaws Of Life"
Trey Was born yesterday (6-8-08) via C Section at 3:30pm in the afternoon
Well... the whole labor and delivery process went a little different than we had hoped (okay... a lot different) but mom and baby are doing WONDERFUL.
We will be here (St. Josephs Womens Hospital... and no "I" don't have an appointment) in room 212 until Wednesday afternoon (fingers crossed).
Pictures of "Hercules" will be coming very very soon (like in a few hrs).
Jimmy :)