Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well like all pregnant women I too got the urge to clean the house from top to bottom and to start all kinds of household projects. In addition to the nursery, we also decided to paint Jimmy's office and to paint the breakfast nook. Below are pictures (except for the kitchen which right now is full of baby stuff waiting for Trey's arrival :o))

The nursery from the doorway - as you can see we went with a pirate theme

The changing table
The rocker/recliner and crib
Yes the office is painted the official Gator Orange and Blue - we love it!!


Tamra said...

Happy due date! The nursery looks terrific and all ready for Trey. We are thinking of you and anxiously awaiting news of Trey's arrival!

Jenna said...

The nursery looks great!! And so do you, Megan!

Courtney&Chris said...

We lit our Trey candle yesterday... We can't wait to hear when he arrives!

Megan said...

I love the nursery! Hang in there, he'll be here soon enough!