It is so hard to believe that Trey is already two weeks old. We spent our second week still in awe of our son. After waiting so long to meet him, I could just stare at him for hours. We are working on getting a routine down which currently consists mostly of eating and sleeping but as each day passes, Trey spends more time awake and alert, investigating the world around him.
On Tuesday of last week, Trey met one of our high school friends, Jen Page (now Foster) and her husband Chris - Jen and Chris have three girls and I am thinking after meeting Trey, perhaps Jen will convince Chris they need to try for a fourth :o)
I just cannot take enough pictures of Trey sleeping as he looks so adorable.
Thanks to Nana who took care of me so that I could take care of Trey after my C-section - we would have been lost without her.
Trey loves sitting up with the assistance of Mom and Dad so that he can check out everything around him. His adorable gator outfit came from the Ferris'.
These pictures are adorable! I can also really see the resemblance to the ultrasound pics which is amazing. I am glad Trey likes his swing! Sorry we had to cancel on you on Sunday but better safe than sorry. Claire is getting over her cold so we should be able to get by for a visit next week. Scott cant wait to meet Trey and I cant wait to see all of you!
Look how sweet he is!! Oh, I could just eat him up! We'll have to try to get our boys together for a play date soon!!
the swing is crucial to your survival :)
great pics...I see Jimmy in there! (Especially with those lips)
Missy and I can't wait to meet him.
His little cheeks are so cute! Can't wait to see you all in August - permanently!! :)
beautiful boy, beautiful parents, beautiful life. the good moments are so awesome you could almost burst huh?! oh, and yeah, back down on earth... i promise you'll sleep and feel human again soon... hang in there. we love you guys. can't wait to see him again!
Congrats!!! I see he's taking after his daddy... He's got his own webpage. At what age is he going to have learned to type by?
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